Our templates has a built-in four panels from each side where you could place more modules which don't take the content area, but always visible and your users can just click and see them. Read more here...
To configure this style you have to set the following parameters(recommended): Topbar Elements -...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu dui non metus sollicitudin...
To configure this style you have to set the following parameters(recommended): Topbar Elements -...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
You can customize the cards, change background, color and borders. Below you can see examples with...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
orbi vel arcu semper, pellentesque tellus at, luctus lacus. Fusce tempus arcu ante, fringilla...
This page shows the second method of the submenu work(Pro version only). By default submenu drops...
To configure this style you have to set the following parameters(recommended): Topbar Elements -...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu dui non metus sollicitudin...
All possible combinations would take a few pages, so we did an interactive demo instead.You can...
Below you can see main styles(except vertical mode) and as usual you can play and test effects...
Donec gravida non enim id auctor. Praesent ut leo sagittis, faucibus massa ut, hendrerit massa....
Maecenas ut augue eros. Aliquam non dignissim lectus. Maecenas accumsan leo id tortor convallis...
Use any image as the header background - recommended minimum width 1920px Here specially used...
Particles Effect adds a beautiful effect to the header. It Has the following options: Particles...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu dui non metus sollicitudin...
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi a nibh a justo placerat luctus sit...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu dui non metus sollicitudin...
Page was removed or renamed, use search.If you try to enter the admin section or hack the site try...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu dui non metus sollicitudin...
Information will be updated soon... "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed...
Header Modules optionsSelect Background Don't use Dark Light (function($){ $(document).ready(function($)...
Using our templates plus a couple of modules you can do a nice homepage.We used our modules "OK...
Starting from version 0.9.4 Antares(also free version Antares) we added the following options:...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
If you don't use a graphic logo you can simply use text one, typing your site name in the field...
Template has preset patterns, so you can just select any and use. - None Selected...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Information will be updated soon... "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
To configure this style you have to set the following parameters(recommended): Topbar Elements -...
Ultrices class accumsan nibh hac eget dapibus. Habitant velit, per tellus class enim, imperdiet...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Oops, and what are you looking for here?...
Why don't use a slideshow module?Because it's better than a module!First of all try to place a...
This is an option-trick of our templates - you can insert a slideshow module inside the header,...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu dui non metus sollicitudin...
To configure this style you have to set the following parameters(recommended): Topbar Elements -...
The most common screen sizes for iPhone and Android Mobiles 360x640pixels - the portrait...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Test different styles of the Menu Bar by selecting any below(Pro version only, free version has only -...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Here some examples how the default style can de designed using customizer. See the video below...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Clicking on the radio buttons below you can see how you arrange your header elements(can be...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Scelerisque Accumsan Curae A Risus ullamcorper nisi dui pharetra semper sollicitudin magna lorem a...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Heading 1(h1) Eu vehicula felis a cubilia eu, sodales quisque tempor etiam; Dolor suscipit ad...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tempus et nunc eget interdum....
Adipiscing In Per Litora Condimentum tortor laoreet nisi, phasellus ligula curabitur enim,...
On this page you can see just a small part of possible cards. Using the different combinations of...
Info - Customizer is still BETA. All options work correctly(in frontend), but not everything is...
Etiam auctor porttitor odio. Ut id ipsum nulla. Fusce placerat dictum justo nec vehicula. Ut...
If you don't have a graphic logo you can do a nice logo using just a text and add one of the...